Monday, February 13, 2017

Letter of Advice

Dear the Lovely Advice Column,

My name is Grant and I am an adroit teacher in Bayonne. I taught Jefferson, the boy accused of Mr. Groupe murder years ago. A few weeks ago Jefferson was with two other boys Brother and Bear. Brother and Bear decided to rob Mr. Groupe, and it turned out to be a murder scene. Jefferson did not kill Mr. Groupe but he was there and did not leave, but also took some money out of the cash register. Once the police arrived they thought he was guilty right away. During the trail the state prosecutor mentioned Jefferson as a "Hog". The jury amoral founded Jefferson guilty and sentenced him the death penalty. While Jefferson was behind bars all he did was laid back starring at the gray wall or ceiling. weeks later Miss Emma and I went and visited Jefferson, and she brought him some food and clothes. During our first visit Jefferson did not say anything to us. We visited a couple more times together and he treated us the same, leaving Miss Emma crying and depressed. Our next visit Miss Emma and my aunt wanted me to visit Jefferson alone and I did. When Jefferson finally decided to eat something miss Emma cooked he got down on his knees and elbows and ate like a "hog". I was agape and tried talking to adulterate him about being called a "hog" but he would not listen and still felt affection. I wished his attitude about his self was aesthetic. I felt he had animosity towards his self.  All I had left to say was I would tell Miss Emma Good things about the visit to brighten up her mood even though it was lies. Do you think i had done the right thing? What do you think my next step should be? 

Sincerely, Grant

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mr. Grant,thank you for writing to my lovely advice column, and this sure is a situation you have found yourself in. Having to lie to Miss Emma about what Jefferson had done while she was not there. To answer your question baby, no you should not have lied to dear old Miss Emma, but you were right to take in consideration that what Jefferson did with that food would surely brake old granny's heart. However, I would suggest you go back and tell Miss Emma the truth, because if she finds out on her own that would break her heart even worse baby. Hope I gave some lovely advice to you brother and please do tell what happens next. This is the lovely column wishing you a lovely day.
