Sunday, April 29, 2018

The Color Purple

Compare/Contrast Book Vs. Movie:
The structure of the movie is different from the structure of the novel. The book is composed of letters to God, but the movie doesn't shows this. The movie shows Celie just talking to God but not actually writing. God plays a big role in book because all of Celie’s letters are addressed to God, but in the movie Celie just has faith in God that she can survive.
     Another way the book is different from the movie was the situation about Shug Avery. In the movie it was very brief about who Shug was and the things she has done. It was also brief about how Celie really felt about her. In the book Celie goes into details about her crush on Shug and how she really felt about shug.  One more difference is how in the novel Shug asked, “How your god like?” and in the movie Shug and Celie do not even talk about god.(Walker, 201). 
     Both book and novel the theme Womanhood is expressed in so many ways. It is expressed through self-discovery and growth, and race relations and racial identity that impact womanhood greatly. It was very hard for Celie to grow, learn, love, and identify herself because she was a woman, she was black, she.
    My Personal review would be this novel gets 5 star rate and I would recommend others to read it. This novel has many differences from the movie and it's helps analyze the movie. The movie is already long therefore every specific event wasn't exactly the same and the novel had more details. It also goes into details about how Celie found and embrace her womanhood. She started off weak and only a fighter for her sister but not herself. Not to spoil the novel, but I feel that this has been one of my favorite books and others should give it a read.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Invisible Man Chapter 7 Review

1) Telling him to be himself and see what the world has in store for him and he should “fake it till he makes it .”
2) ‎The vet is telling the narrator to control his own fate. He is telling him to make his own rules and decisions instead of letting others do it for him. 
3) ‎The narrator alludes to the story of Jonah in the bible. He feels as though coming to Harlem is him being thrown up from the belly of a whale.

Invisible Man Themes & Connections

1)Inequality and Racism- inequality and Racism is a major theme of this story because of the time period in which the story takes place. The narrator knows what he is up against as well as the other black's in the community. The narrator feels invisible in ways where he feels that he is not being seen as himself but he is only judged by the color of his skin and where he comes from. : In the poem "I Too" as well being black im at the time a white America was difficult and dealt many defeats.
2)Stereotypes- Stereotypes could be applied to the poem as well as the s story because in Hughes poem he hints at stereotypes by using the conception of a black person and how we mostly ate in the kitchen rather than in the front. Another poem of Hughes that shares the same themes as The Invisible Man was Refugee in America.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Invisible Man Chapter 4-6 Review

Chapter 4
1. Because of the previous events, the narrator sees the college campus just as he saw the road. What he once saw as beautiful was now threatening. 
2. The narrator blames Trueblood for the entire series of events, and he blames the people at Golden Day for causing more traumatic events for Mr. Norton.
3. Old plantation manor houses were owned by rich white people but ran by slaves. The college is similar to one because the trustees are highly viewed there yet the school is for black people.
4. Dr. Bledsoe achieved power by gaining acceptance from white people. He did not completely disregard black people, but he was not largely focused on getting their acceptance. 
5. The mirror symbolizes the alter ego Dr. Bledsoe and the narrator puts on for white people. They hide their inner feelings and focus only on making Mr. Norton and other white people happy. The aquarium symbolizes the progress that black people had made during that time. Though Dr. Bledsoe was higher classed, he still was seen as a servant to white people. 

Chapter 5

1. That the white man still watches over blacks because we seem as a threat to them.
2. Peaceful because he was speaking of peacefulness when he spoke about heaven.
3. It was shown to show sarcasm.
4. He says that even though he is physically bigger , he doesnt have much authority in comparison to them.
5. When the Reverend speaks about the founders resurrection, he was speaking about jesus.
6. It shows how the men really felt whem the founder died.
7. Black was seem as sad and dark and despair and help.
8. It shows who he really is and now people know how and when to handle and undermine his authority.
9. A street light and a statue of a kneeling slave.

Chapter 6
1. The way he presents himself shows that he is very relaxed.
2. Bledsoe became angry because he wanted the narrator to lie but norton came up telling the truth.
3. Bledsoe believes that whites should be in pour.
4. Repetition  is used because Bledsoe kept saying “that” referring to the narrator as “that” causing him to become offended.
5. It foreshadows how Bledsoe will help in the future

Friday, March 2, 2018

Invisible Man Chapter 1 & 2 Review

Chapter 1
1)The line "a fair bird-girl girlded in veils calling to me from the angry surface of some gray and threatening sea" refers to Greek Sirens.
2)The grandfather is saying that the narrator should be submissive to the racism but continue being rebellious towards everyone.
3)Booker T Washington was both an American educator and an advisor to presidents. The narrator's viewing is significant because he is very educated and enjoys serving important white men as well.
4)He knows that he is put into the room for entertainment for the white men and that he is not supposed to have feelings towards the naked blonde (torture). He knows that the naked blonde is being objectified by the white men.
5)The fact that white men are getting their kicks at the expense of young black men show that assimilation, at least behind closed doors, has its limits.
Chapter 2:
1)The narrator needs to follow the "white line" as he is driving Mr. Norton around.
2)The statue is a white man figure and so it reminds the narrator that the school was built around the backdrop of slavery and segregation. Also it represents that white men are in power of social and educational systems.
3)The arrival of a white millionaire is sarcastic and sometimes even ironic.
4)Mr. Norton's initial description alludes back to a book about true educated human beings.
5)He fears the white farmer because since the farmer is poor, he does not have power in the white community but has all the power over the narrator (because he is African American).
6)T-O said there was no enthusiasm for his widow but there was for Trueblood's daughter and how Trueblood impregnated his daughter.
7) The statement foreshadows the situation of Trueblood and its uniqueness.
8) ‎If leaves the reader thinking about Mr. Norton's reaction. The question is whether Mr. Norton feels so passionately because he would never want this to happen to his daughter or if he relates because he did this to his daughter.
9) ‎The tone is innocent because Trueblood truly believes that he did not complete the act, it was his subconscious.
10) ‎The white community rewards the Trueblood family because it is the racial expectation, however the black community shames them.
11) ‎Aunt Cloe was going to give his daughter an abortion.
12) ‎The white community rewards him for falling into the racial expectations and making the black community look worse.
13) ‎Mr. Norton wants to live up to his race and like the other white people, so he gives Trueblood money.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Huckleberry Reflection

     The adventure of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain is an amazing book. Huck the main character, showed that he was discovering life on his own, did not want to be civilized, and did not want to be with neither his father nor a guardian . While Hulk decide to escape he had came across Jim a runaway slave which he already knew and began to adventure together. Them two having one another company grew upon each other and shaped themselves as a better human being. Huck learns alot from Jim and overall is a good person. Huck also admire Tom, because of how Tom was imaginative and comes from a family.
      This book was very interesting and had me anxious to read more. Is reading it made me feel as if I was there, you could picture every event happening in your head. The moral theme I had gotten from this book is that everyone is equal, and should be treated with respect. Racism and unfair judgment put is portrayed in the 1800's and sometimes still in today's society. Twine he made it so that everyone deserve the same opportunity in life and interact with Society. Overall, you could really learn many real life lessons and learn how to handle situations differently.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Entry 5

      My favorite tale was the Pardoner Tale because it was a good moral lesson to individuals. It was also interesting in had many themes. One theme was be respectful of your elders. This is a good theme because if the three rioters was more respectful to the elder man, they would have not met the death tree. Another theme was action speaks louder than words. The Three Brothers claimed that they were very close but they crossed each other out for some gold treasure. They had all three plotted on one another to kill one another so that they can be greedy with the treasure for themselves. Another thing was the love for money is the root of all evil. This theme is essential because the gold treasured had made the brothers turn evil against one another. The money had overshadowed the love for one another and made one another once to kill each other.