Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Invisible Man Chapter 4-6 Review

Chapter 4
1. Because of the previous events, the narrator sees the college campus just as he saw the road. What he once saw as beautiful was now threatening. 
2. The narrator blames Trueblood for the entire series of events, and he blames the people at Golden Day for causing more traumatic events for Mr. Norton.
3. Old plantation manor houses were owned by rich white people but ran by slaves. The college is similar to one because the trustees are highly viewed there yet the school is for black people.
4. Dr. Bledsoe achieved power by gaining acceptance from white people. He did not completely disregard black people, but he was not largely focused on getting their acceptance. 
5. The mirror symbolizes the alter ego Dr. Bledsoe and the narrator puts on for white people. They hide their inner feelings and focus only on making Mr. Norton and other white people happy. The aquarium symbolizes the progress that black people had made during that time. Though Dr. Bledsoe was higher classed, he still was seen as a servant to white people. 

Chapter 5

1. That the white man still watches over blacks because we seem as a threat to them.
2. Peaceful because he was speaking of peacefulness when he spoke about heaven.
3. It was shown to show sarcasm.
4. He says that even though he is physically bigger , he doesnt have much authority in comparison to them.
5. When the Reverend speaks about the founders resurrection, he was speaking about jesus.
6. It shows how the men really felt whem the founder died.
7. Black was seem as sad and dark and despair and help.
8. It shows who he really is and now people know how and when to handle and undermine his authority.
9. A street light and a statue of a kneeling slave.

Chapter 6
1. The way he presents himself shows that he is very relaxed.
2. Bledsoe became angry because he wanted the narrator to lie but norton came up telling the truth.
3. Bledsoe believes that whites should be in pour.
4. Repetition  is used because Bledsoe kept saying “that” referring to the narrator as “that” causing him to become offended.
5. It foreshadows how Bledsoe will help in the future

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