Friday, March 2, 2018

Invisible Man Chapter 1 & 2 Review

Chapter 1
1)The line "a fair bird-girl girlded in veils calling to me from the angry surface of some gray and threatening sea" refers to Greek Sirens.
2)The grandfather is saying that the narrator should be submissive to the racism but continue being rebellious towards everyone.
3)Booker T Washington was both an American educator and an advisor to presidents. The narrator's viewing is significant because he is very educated and enjoys serving important white men as well.
4)He knows that he is put into the room for entertainment for the white men and that he is not supposed to have feelings towards the naked blonde (torture). He knows that the naked blonde is being objectified by the white men.
5)The fact that white men are getting their kicks at the expense of young black men show that assimilation, at least behind closed doors, has its limits.
Chapter 2:
1)The narrator needs to follow the "white line" as he is driving Mr. Norton around.
2)The statue is a white man figure and so it reminds the narrator that the school was built around the backdrop of slavery and segregation. Also it represents that white men are in power of social and educational systems.
3)The arrival of a white millionaire is sarcastic and sometimes even ironic.
4)Mr. Norton's initial description alludes back to a book about true educated human beings.
5)He fears the white farmer because since the farmer is poor, he does not have power in the white community but has all the power over the narrator (because he is African American).
6)T-O said there was no enthusiasm for his widow but there was for Trueblood's daughter and how Trueblood impregnated his daughter.
7) The statement foreshadows the situation of Trueblood and its uniqueness.
8) ‎If leaves the reader thinking about Mr. Norton's reaction. The question is whether Mr. Norton feels so passionately because he would never want this to happen to his daughter or if he relates because he did this to his daughter.
9) ‎The tone is innocent because Trueblood truly believes that he did not complete the act, it was his subconscious.
10) ‎The white community rewards the Trueblood family because it is the racial expectation, however the black community shames them.
11) ‎Aunt Cloe was going to give his daughter an abortion.
12) ‎The white community rewards him for falling into the racial expectations and making the black community look worse.
13) ‎Mr. Norton wants to live up to his race and like the other white people, so he gives Trueblood money.

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