Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Sorrow Of War Questions

Discussion Questions: Pg 86-100 
1) pg.86 Describe the room Kien was writing in. 

2) pg.87 What does tumultuous mess using context clues? 

3)pg.88 what was the novel symbolic to? 

4) Have You Every Heard Or Thought about a song repeatedly while burying someone? Who funeral & what song? 

5) Who is Phan and what story did he tell Kien ?

6) What did Kien compare the sorrow of heart inside a soldier's heart to? 

7) What did Quang begged Kien To Do? 

8) Why do you think no one replied but laughter filled the air when Kien stated "the war is over" ? 

9) Define Unfathomable.

10)Who all death stories did Kien had a flashbacks of and talked about within these pages ?

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Two Kinds

1) I believe all parents pressure their child to achieve. I think so because they want their child to do their best at any task. This shows that parents have faith and believe in their child, therefore they want the child to  work even harder at the task.

2) Some conflicts that parents and children may have would be about their rules, grade, future, and privacy.

3) I honestly feel that people could be anything they want to be. I feel that all you have to do is put your mind to the task, block out negativity, and stay focus without letting anyone tell you otherwise.

4) All conflicts do not have winners. It honestly depends on the situation. Some conflicts comes to a compromise. At then end of the situation the conflict will eventually come to an agreement.

5) China parents are different from my parents. In China, parents are very demanding and wants to decide their children future career for them. The child has no say so in the decision. On the other hand, in my family I am able to chose my own future career which is to become a Pediatrician. My parents try to encourage me to stay on the right path and help me achieve my to my career.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Blog Post Assignment 4

Quote: " By the time I rose and started walking, I didn't begrudge my mother a thing,  the truth was, in spite of all that she'd be an spectacular mom".

 This quotation relates to the theme because she comes to yet another thought about her mother.   In this chapter she was emotional trying to figure out how feelings  about her mother due to her mothers fiftieth birthday.  This year Cheryl founded herself to be angry.

This quotation also indicate a conflict. The conflict of the feelings and thoughts she has upon her mother. Although Cheryl was angry she also was forgiving for her mother death.

 Quote:  " Blood is thicker than water"

 This quotation characterize cheryl mother,  It characterize her because that was her mother beliefs. Cheryl mother always kept the family together and put them first.

 This quote also has a theme,  the theme is you shouldnt put your friends, spouse, or anyone  before family. It relates to this because it is saying that your family is always there for you and they come first before your friends, spouse, or anyone.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Blog Post Assignment 3

Summary: The Big Snow is One to Remember By: Jack Haskel    
     This article was about some hikers visiting a snow hike focused on the Sierra.On June 2nd, early front runners "Wing-It"and "Don't Panic" was pushed on the Sierra. Over sixty feet of snow had fallen onto the trail. Poeple was to be cautious that it wasn't a hiking trial but it's a winter ice endurance event. Few people was still excited just to explore and hike the trail. Hikers learned more deeply challenges the snowy North faces. Later in the years ,more people was inspired and the percentaged increased hicking in snowy places.

Interesting Detail: 
*The tempature was never topped seventy degrees.

*Late season snow and cold tempatures meant there would be a slow start to melt.

*What challeneged the hikers to still hike a trail full of the snow knowing there could be some bad consequences?

Saturday, August 20, 2016

My Writing Skills

     When it comes to writing I don't think I have the skills. I could be abysmal in writing. A major error would be word choice. Word choice is to clarify and expand the ideas, and me personally I have simple ideas and details which makes a simple paper. Now that I'm in AP English my word choice should amenity. One way I could amenity my word choice is to do more brainstorming and taking my time to get my ideas down. Sometime I can't think of any topics or ideas for my paper. Another error would be spelling. I'm not abysmal at spelling but I tend to struggle at spelling. I would love to increase my word choice, but the spelling gives me a problem. My major oversight to writing is brainstorming supporting details for my topics. It really aggravate me when I can't think of good details. One way I could alleviate this problem is by paying attention and taking notes. On the other hand, I'm dominant at voice and sentence fluency and voice. Once I determine my main topic sentence the other sentences flow very well. This year would be a progressing year for me in writing and in other obstacles. I already improved in my studying and my grammar. I am looking forward for my English teacher Mr. Rease, to help assuage my errors and obstacles in writing.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

I Am Jaylin M. Lucas

Hello everyone. My name is Jaylin Lucas and I attend Ben C. Rain High school. I am a intellectual Junior this year that takes all A P classes and A P English eleven and Chemistry A P are the focus of this semester. I have two brothers, Li'Jordan & Jacobie and I am the middle child on my mother side and also the only female. On my father side I am the baby girl. For fun I love playing volleyball, going to work, dancing, listening to music,  hanging out with friends and family, and helping children. I love helping out children and planning on going to college for medical a degree so that I can pursue my dream of becoming an pediatrician. Every year I like to challenge myself. My challenges and expectations is to ameliorate my G. P. A from a 3.5 to a 4.0. Another challenge is reading and writing because they are my weaknesses. Well, I know my teacher Mr. Rease would help improve my literature and writing skills. My supreme goal in high school is to graduate top ten in my class and also with and honors degree. my Next step after high school would be to attend The University Of Alabama at Birmingham for Medical. Being an honors student is the best decision I could make. My classes may be laborious but its worth it and  a big step in opening the doors for college and pursuing my dreams.
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