Monday, November 27, 2017

Entry 5

      My favorite tale was the Pardoner Tale because it was a good moral lesson to individuals. It was also interesting in had many themes. One theme was be respectful of your elders. This is a good theme because if the three rioters was more respectful to the elder man, they would have not met the death tree. Another theme was action speaks louder than words. The Three Brothers claimed that they were very close but they crossed each other out for some gold treasure. They had all three plotted on one another to kill one another so that they can be greedy with the treasure for themselves. Another thing was the love for money is the root of all evil. This theme is essential because the gold treasured had made the brothers turn evil against one another. The money had overshadowed the love for one another and made one another once to kill each other.

Entry 4

     Honestly on my in class essay I felt I did not do what I normally could do. I felt I did not meet my goal and was not focused. My mind was not focused on the essay and I felt that that was a reason I did not portray well. I am honestly upset about it but it's only an eye opener on what I need to do to improve my writing and thinking skills.
     One thing I need to work on it staying focused. Not only to stay focused, but to also keep my mind on the task and the essay as a whole. Another thing I need to work on it still plan different. I need to learn how to analyze the question and answer the question for what it is asking. Another way to improve my writing is by annotating and taking notes as I read any section, essay, paragraph, play, or book that I have to read. With these improvements that I am willing to make I feel that my writing will be much more successful.

Entry 3

     The ending of this tragedy was not shock. Edmund has really manipulated himself into having power over everything. At the end Lear character trait changes. Lear realized that Cordelia was the only real daughter. Lear started to care and wanted Cordelia to forgive him and he had begged for her forgiveness. This scene was ironic because Lear never had feelings for anyone else he never felt he needed anything or anyone and always had a non-chalant attitude.
     Also Lear did not want to fight for his life. He knew that death was coming, and didn't want to do anything but fix his relationship with his daughter Cordelia. This goes back into why you're always worth it hits 100 knights around. Without his Knights he did not know how to protect himself and fight for himself. This is also ironic because he was supposed  to be a strong and powerful King.

Entry 2 King Lear

     An ansul there was some upcoming conflict between Kent and Oswald. Kent did not like Oswald because he felt that Oswald had disrespected his King. Kent was trying to have a swords fight. Another event that had happened was Lear went to Reagan to go live in her kingdom. Reagan only wanted to accept 25 of King lear's Knights to stay there. I feel that Leah has some type of bond and he valued his 100 Knights and did not want to give them  up. I also think Reagan and Goneril was not accepting all of Lear's knights because they neither what really wanted to him to live with them. Lear honestly didn't want to live with Goneril anyways.
     Another assumption I made for act that Reagan wanted to help her father, but I feel that she was afraid that if she upset her father he will try to bash and curse her as if he had done Cordelia and Goneril. The theme of act 2 is deceit. This act Edmund was deceiving his brother Edgar and their father Glouchester. Also Reagan and Goneril had deceived Lear because  honest vibe was that they neither or wanted him to stay with them. Edmund was deceiving his father which he  portrayed as the better son only for his father will and possessions and spice and not of love.

Entry 1

     In Act 1 of No Fear King Lear was not what I predict it to be. There were Alot of events happening that I did not agree with. The first event that happened was Lear disowned his honest daughter Cordelia because she was honest and he had have his eldest daughter Goneril and half of his possessions. I felt he should have gave half his possessions to Cordelia because she was honest and respectful.
      Another event that had occurred that I disagree with was when Goneril had tried to kick her father out her castle. I feel that it was wrong for her to be Queen and use her powers against her father because he had gave her the possessions and title that she have. One event that I did agree on was when the fool had made fun of Lear and was letting Lear know he was the actual fool. I agree with this event because Lear was a fool because the person he had shared his possessions with is now using her powers to get rid of him. It shows that he was a fool to disowned his honest daughter for the daughter who only loved him for his will and possessions.
      The theme of this act would be that one's action speaks louder than words because in the beginning the words from Goneril to Lear was love and now at the end of the act Goneril actions wans words shows hatred and disownment towards Lear.