Monday, November 27, 2017

Entry 1

     In Act 1 of No Fear King Lear was not what I predict it to be. There were Alot of events happening that I did not agree with. The first event that happened was Lear disowned his honest daughter Cordelia because she was honest and he had have his eldest daughter Goneril and half of his possessions. I felt he should have gave half his possessions to Cordelia because she was honest and respectful.
      Another event that had occurred that I disagree with was when Goneril had tried to kick her father out her castle. I feel that it was wrong for her to be Queen and use her powers against her father because he had gave her the possessions and title that she have. One event that I did agree on was when the fool had made fun of Lear and was letting Lear know he was the actual fool. I agree with this event because Lear was a fool because the person he had shared his possessions with is now using her powers to get rid of him. It shows that he was a fool to disowned his honest daughter for the daughter who only loved him for his will and possessions.
      The theme of this act would be that one's action speaks louder than words because in the beginning the words from Goneril to Lear was love and now at the end of the act Goneril actions wans words shows hatred and disownment towards Lear.

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