Monday, November 27, 2017

Entry 5

      My favorite tale was the Pardoner Tale because it was a good moral lesson to individuals. It was also interesting in had many themes. One theme was be respectful of your elders. This is a good theme because if the three rioters was more respectful to the elder man, they would have not met the death tree. Another theme was action speaks louder than words. The Three Brothers claimed that they were very close but they crossed each other out for some gold treasure. They had all three plotted on one another to kill one another so that they can be greedy with the treasure for themselves. Another thing was the love for money is the root of all evil. This theme is essential because the gold treasured had made the brothers turn evil against one another. The money had overshadowed the love for one another and made one another once to kill each other.

Entry 4

     Honestly on my in class essay I felt I did not do what I normally could do. I felt I did not meet my goal and was not focused. My mind was not focused on the essay and I felt that that was a reason I did not portray well. I am honestly upset about it but it's only an eye opener on what I need to do to improve my writing and thinking skills.
     One thing I need to work on it staying focused. Not only to stay focused, but to also keep my mind on the task and the essay as a whole. Another thing I need to work on it still plan different. I need to learn how to analyze the question and answer the question for what it is asking. Another way to improve my writing is by annotating and taking notes as I read any section, essay, paragraph, play, or book that I have to read. With these improvements that I am willing to make I feel that my writing will be much more successful.

Entry 3

     The ending of this tragedy was not shock. Edmund has really manipulated himself into having power over everything. At the end Lear character trait changes. Lear realized that Cordelia was the only real daughter. Lear started to care and wanted Cordelia to forgive him and he had begged for her forgiveness. This scene was ironic because Lear never had feelings for anyone else he never felt he needed anything or anyone and always had a non-chalant attitude.
     Also Lear did not want to fight for his life. He knew that death was coming, and didn't want to do anything but fix his relationship with his daughter Cordelia. This goes back into why you're always worth it hits 100 knights around. Without his Knights he did not know how to protect himself and fight for himself. This is also ironic because he was supposed  to be a strong and powerful King.

Entry 2 King Lear

     An ansul there was some upcoming conflict between Kent and Oswald. Kent did not like Oswald because he felt that Oswald had disrespected his King. Kent was trying to have a swords fight. Another event that had happened was Lear went to Reagan to go live in her kingdom. Reagan only wanted to accept 25 of King lear's Knights to stay there. I feel that Leah has some type of bond and he valued his 100 Knights and did not want to give them  up. I also think Reagan and Goneril was not accepting all of Lear's knights because they neither what really wanted to him to live with them. Lear honestly didn't want to live with Goneril anyways.
     Another assumption I made for act that Reagan wanted to help her father, but I feel that she was afraid that if she upset her father he will try to bash and curse her as if he had done Cordelia and Goneril. The theme of act 2 is deceit. This act Edmund was deceiving his brother Edgar and their father Glouchester. Also Reagan and Goneril had deceived Lear because  honest vibe was that they neither or wanted him to stay with them. Edmund was deceiving his father which he  portrayed as the better son only for his father will and possessions and spice and not of love.

Entry 1

     In Act 1 of No Fear King Lear was not what I predict it to be. There were Alot of events happening that I did not agree with. The first event that happened was Lear disowned his honest daughter Cordelia because she was honest and he had have his eldest daughter Goneril and half of his possessions. I felt he should have gave half his possessions to Cordelia because she was honest and respectful.
      Another event that had occurred that I disagree with was when Goneril had tried to kick her father out her castle. I feel that it was wrong for her to be Queen and use her powers against her father because he had gave her the possessions and title that she have. One event that I did agree on was when the fool had made fun of Lear and was letting Lear know he was the actual fool. I agree with this event because Lear was a fool because the person he had shared his possessions with is now using her powers to get rid of him. It shows that he was a fool to disowned his honest daughter for the daughter who only loved him for his will and possessions.
      The theme of this act would be that one's action speaks louder than words because in the beginning the words from Goneril to Lear was love and now at the end of the act Goneril actions wans words shows hatred and disownment towards Lear.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Psalm 43: Prayer To God in Time of Trouble

1) Line By Line
Lines 1-5: Thank you for not judging me god. Understand my actions in such sinful ways. In thought of my sins for I am only human.
Lines 6-9: You are cure of my strength. Why should I go questioning this because of the weakness of my mind? Also the lack of knowledge.
Lines 10-14: Oh heavenly father continue to let your light be my pathway and it shall direct me to the house of prayer.
Lines 15-18 Then I will go to the holy place. Tell God how much joy he had brought upon me. While explaining my journey, the Holy Spirit comes upon me then I began to praise the Lord. yes Lord! The Almighty God!
Lines 19-25: How did you help such a soul? Make my thoughts of weakness become shallow within me and expand the relationship of the Lord with knowledge. Have faith in God; always continue to praise his holy name. To keep this weakness out of mind and fill it with the Lord's signs.
2) Overall Analysis: Prayer to God in Time of Trouble
I feel that this is overall asking for God to strengthen a sinner mind. This mind is weakened and have no relationship on the Lord's  knowledge. Also he is the cause of his own weakness which is his trouble. The way to over come this weakness is through God signs ( the power of Christ) and to praise his holy name. While praising the holy name this sinner grows a relationship and is acknowledge to God's blessings. He had learned that the Lord's prayer is the cure to one troubles and in time the troubles will soon fade away. 

Saturday, September 9, 2017

The Tale of Alison

Prolouge:Here Falls A Conversation Between The Millier And His Druggies.
     So what I am the Miller, and doing drugs was not a thriller. They say when your on drugs, the truth comes out from underneath the rugs. The day was short and the night was about to be long. Let's all huddle Together like a camp fire but with no campfire song. Fire up that dope and pass it to me. I think to myself "it makes me feel so free". Don't hog it Mann just puff puff pass, I have a tale to tell while we are all here at last.
Here begins The Tale Of Alison.
     There was a girl named Alison and she was a wife. A wife to jealous John, he was a carpenter all his life. Alison was slim sparkling eyes very beautiful, she was a babe and very dutiful. She had him warm cooked meals ready and did her wifely chores, make sure everything was clean from the roof to the floors. Very friendly with her neighbors and sang lullabies. But from morning to night her godly ways would switch. Everyone thought she was godly and faithful but was a low-key witch. She seemed so innocent and sweet but that was only an act. There were Secrets I knew that made her a rat.
     Once her husband gets home and deep into sleep, she would sneak out and becomes such a creep. She would leave out of sight and sneak out throughout the night. Getting into the cars to sneak into the bars. She takes one shot two shots three shots four, then head her way towards the dance floor. Flirting from guy to guy as if she was single, being a un-loyal wife ready to mingle. She ease out  of the bar with one man, hm to go make her some money as easy as she can. Yes a prostitute I tell you also a cheater.
     Once she leave the strange man they goes to a room. To go cheat on her husband I must assume. They took a bag inside and guess what it was. It was a bag full of drugs (crack) they both sniff and began to hug. They began to make out while the drug was on the table. A wife she supposed to be not owning up to her label. As making out with the male got more serious and deeper, as if they was making love their bodies gotten weaker and was a good creeper.
     As the night got young and the male was asleep. She would find all his money and values and leave without making a peep. A wife you say? Not at night but yes during the day. She had went home and sneak into the house, take a shower making sure she was quiet as a mouse. Then she climbed back into the bed, and gave her husband a kiss on the head.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Women of Medieval Sociey

     Women hand many domestic responsibilities such as caring fir their children, preparing food, tending livestock and helping their husband. They had small roles within the country. During the Medieval Times women were powerless but played the role as a noble or peasant families. According to the Medieval Law the women did not belong to themselves. Peasants are people who worked the land and produce the goods that the lord needs. When there was war the women had to take place and become the leaders in the defense. They also had to learn how to use weapons to defend their homes. Other women became nuns and devoted life to god .  The outlook, women of the Medieval Society were denied political rights and considered legally subjects to their husband and society.

Work Cited:

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Geoffrey Chaucer

     After reading Introduction to Geoffrey Chaucer I learned that Geoffrey Chaucer was a famous poet and prime shaper of English language. He was known as the father of English literature.He was a popular poet and admired during the Medieval England. He investigates the contrast between authority and experience. Ones would praise his worship but no one clearly understood. He origin in various sources such as French, Latin, and Italian.His work contained numerous sources such as folk tale, sermons, rhetoric textbooks and etc. He changed the English Literature with his book The Canterbury Tales which was his biggest and most imaginative collection. His poetry was informative and entertainment  mixes mirth and morality which was very successful with "sentences and solas" of literature.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Letter of Advice

Dear the Lovely Advice Column,

My name is Grant and I am an adroit teacher in Bayonne. I taught Jefferson, the boy accused of Mr. Groupe murder years ago. A few weeks ago Jefferson was with two other boys Brother and Bear. Brother and Bear decided to rob Mr. Groupe, and it turned out to be a murder scene. Jefferson did not kill Mr. Groupe but he was there and did not leave, but also took some money out of the cash register. Once the police arrived they thought he was guilty right away. During the trail the state prosecutor mentioned Jefferson as a "Hog". The jury amoral founded Jefferson guilty and sentenced him the death penalty. While Jefferson was behind bars all he did was laid back starring at the gray wall or ceiling. weeks later Miss Emma and I went and visited Jefferson, and she brought him some food and clothes. During our first visit Jefferson did not say anything to us. We visited a couple more times together and he treated us the same, leaving Miss Emma crying and depressed. Our next visit Miss Emma and my aunt wanted me to visit Jefferson alone and I did. When Jefferson finally decided to eat something miss Emma cooked he got down on his knees and elbows and ate like a "hog". I was agape and tried talking to adulterate him about being called a "hog" but he would not listen and still felt affection. I wished his attitude about his self was aesthetic. I felt he had animosity towards his self.  All I had left to say was I would tell Miss Emma Good things about the visit to brighten up her mood even though it was lies. Do you think i had done the right thing? What do you think my next step should be? 

Sincerely, Grant

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Chapter 5 & 6 Answers

Chapter 5

1) The church is the meeting place for Grants' class.

2) Grant was originally supposed to teach for six months out of the year. Due to the children having to work in the field school was only five and a half months.

3) Grant goes into so much detail about the process by which Jefferson will be killed because he is trying to prove a point. He is trying to tell them them that someone just like them will be killed for making little simple mistakes like the boy who was playing with the lady bug.

4) Mr. Farrell brought a message to Grant from Henri Pichot which was he wanted to meet with Grant by five that evening.


" You figure things out with your brains, not with your fingers" pg. 36 
     One thing i about this qoute was Grant was really upset at the moment. He did not mean any harm but he wanted the boy to think and use his mind of what was already taught to get the answer. Grant felt that the boy should have known the simple multiplication problem. 

"I'd have to buy it." "The school board doesn't give it away. They already gave me what they said was enough for the year. They're not giving us any more. Do you understand what I'm saying to you?" pg 36 
 This qoute also was stated out of anger from Grant. He felt the children was just waisting the chalk as if they had plenty. It also show that the school board would not supply Grant school with enough supplies just a few to get bye though the time. I can indicate that the school board did not think that the children would not learn subject but would learn more about  how to chop up wood and slave activities  and that they where poor during that time period. 

Chapter 6 

1) Grant has gone to Mr Pichot's house to meet with him at five.

2) He waited in the kitchen talking to the maid Inez.

3) Etna makes Grant reach to shake her hand because she had already had her hand out.

4) skipped 

5) Grant was acting "too smart" for the white man. He was well educated and Intelligent therefore the white man didn't expect it and did not like what Grant was saying. 


" To show intelligence would be an insult to them. To show lack of intelligence would be a greater insult to me" pg.47

Grant had already knew that he was very intelligent and that the white man did not like or expect how intelligent he was. He did not dumb himself for the white man because that would not be his true self and he did not let anyone degrade his intelligence.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Blog Post Assignment #7

     Dr. King used numerous of repetition in his speech. for example he repeated 'I have a dream one day.... " a number of  times. He was saying this over and over to prove a point that his dream is essential and that he is expanding for rights. He kept mentioning to his supporters that his dream was for their rights and he standing up for them. another example was at the end of the speech he kept stating " Let freedom ring from...",  it shows he is determined and that freedom should expand. It also shows that he is brave and a hero and by using repetition, he is serious and motivating, and determined to stand up for what was right.

     Additionally, Dr. King. used word choice. The diction he used in his speech created a significance in the text For example he stated "I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having lips dripping with the words of interposition and nullification" quote was a powerful example of diction. This shows how serious he is about the statement he is making. He used essential vocabulary and chose his words wisely. He went deeper into the situation by the words in his speech. This shows that he had a strong voice and he is intelligent.